Polieteretercetona, prescurtat PEEK, este un material plastic foarte rezistent, chiar si in conditii de temperatura ridicata, de pana la 260ºC. Rezistenta sa termica si proprietatile tribologice exceptionale, recomanda utilizarea polieteretercetonei, in conditii de siguranta, in cele mai dificile conditii de caldura excesiva.
peek pretPrintre caracteristicile generale ale PEEK se gasesc rezistenta la tractiune, la impact, la uzura. Temperatura maxima la care acesta familie de materiale poate fi prelucrata in continuu este de 260ºC si pentru perioade scurte de timp pana la 310 ºC.
PEEK este rezistent la foc, stingandu-se singur dupa indepartarea sursei si are emisii scazute de gaze toxice in timpul arderii.
PEEK are cateva proprietati care il diferentiaza de ceilalti polimeri, transformandu-l intr-o materie prima performanta. In anumite variante, el este rezistent atat la radiatiile de tip X, cat si la razele ultraviolete.
dimensională:Excelentă stabilitate dimensională
inflamabil:Greu inflamabil și cu proprietăți de auto-stingere
gazelor:Densitate foarte scăzută a gazelor de evacuare
ridicată:Rezistență ridicată la doze mari de radiații energetice
alunecare: Excelente proprietăți de alunecare
abraziune:Bună abraziune și rezistență la uzură
raport: Raport excelent între rigiditate, rezistență și elasticitate
alungire:Tendință slabă de alungire
dimensională:Stabilitate dimensională ridicată la temperaturi calde
electrică: Bună izolație electrică la temperaturi diferite
Bright teenage boots made of EVA Jose Amorales will not let you down in rainy and dank weather.
The child's legs will not freeze, as the EVA material perfectly retains heat. They are comfortable down to -5 degrees below zero without additional inserts, and due to the fact that the boots do not let moisture through, the feet will remain dry.
The footwear differs in ease, durability and original design.
Note! Removable jibbitz decorations may differ from the option shown in the photo.
SKU: 116602
Color: Peach
Upper material: EVA FOAM.
Internal material: EVA FOAM.
Insole: EVA FOAM.
Each package is compound by 8 pairs of shoes.
Sizes: 28-2, 30-2, 32-2, 34-2
EVA-sheets for the production of carpets. The main feature of sheets for the production of auto carpets is a special cellular honeycomb-like structure. As a result, all garbage, dust or water are collected at the bottom of the cells, and the surface of the carpet that is in contact with the shoes remains dry and clean. Auto carpets made of EvaLine sheets are quite rigid and may be easily removed from interior for cleaning. The material is odorless. Easily cut and edged.
Embossing: rhombus / honeycomb
Size: 2000x1200 mm
Color: beige
Thickness: 9.5 mm -10 mm
Hardness: 40-45 shore
Density: 130 kg / m3
Made in Ukraine
PEEKChina til medical devices (PEEK) er high performance medicinsk plast med en utrolig god mekanisk profil, som bevares ved høje temperaturer på over 100 °C. ARKPEEK udviser fantastisk høj bestandighed mod almindelige steriliseringsmetoder. Kombineret med god kemikaliebestandighed giver Ensingers PEEK den største sikkerhed til medicotekniske anvendelser.
PEEKChina er specielt udviklet til at opfylde materialekravene inden for medicoteknologi. De biokompatible polymerer har mange anvendelsesområder, lige fra det ortopædiske område, implantater og traumatologi, til kirurgisk udstyr, tandlægeudstyr og meget mere.
kjemikalie:Utmerket kjemikalie bestandighet
fuktopptak:Svært lavt fuktopptak
slite:Ikke lett å ha på og slite
slid:Ekstrem slid og frikstionsevner
resistens:Meget høj kemikalie- og hydrolyseresistens
slagstyrke:Høj slagstyrke
EVA boots Jose Amorales will definitely appeal to boys and girls with their design.
The shoes are lightweight and durable. The outsole is well cushioned and the ribbed pattern prevents slipping.
In these boots, the child's feet will not freeze, as the EVA material from which they are made perfectly retains heat. They are comfortable down to -5 degrees below zero without additional inserts. Since the boots are waterproof, the feet will be dry.
Therefore, with shoes of Jose Amorales you can not deprive children of the pleasure of running through the puddles as much as they wish!
EVA boots Jose Amorales will definitely appeal to boys and girls with their design. The shoes are lightweight and durable. The outsole is well cushioned and the ribbed pattern prevents slipping.
In these boots, the child's feet will not freeze, as the
SKU: 117051
Upper material: EVA FOAM.
Internal material: EVA FOAM.
Insole: EVA FOAM.
Each package is compound by 8 pairs of shoes.
Bright teenage boots made of EVA Jose Amorales will not let you down in rainy and dank weather.
The child's legs will not freeze, as the EVA material perfectly retains heat. They are comfortable down to -5 degrees below zero without additional inserts, and due to the fact that the boots do not let moisture through, the feet will remain dry.
The footwear differs in ease, durability and original design.
Note! Removable jibbitz decorations may differ from the option shown in the photo.
SKU: 116604
Color: Red
Upper material: EVA FOAM.
Internal material: EVA FOAM.
Insole: EVA FOAM.
Each package is compound by 8 pairs of shoes.
Sizes: 28-2, 30-2, 32-2, 34-2
Stylish women's boots with cuffs TM "Jose Amorales" are designed for rainy weather and slush.
The EVA material from which they are made is waterproof and has excellent thermal insulation properties, which allows you to wear boots down to -5 ° C frost without additional inserts.
Drawstring fabric cuffs keep you warm and protect your feet from moisture and dirt getting inside the boot.
The shoes are equipped with removable insoles made of soft EVA sheet, which add softness and comfort to wear.
SKU: 119285
Upper material: EVA FOAM
Each package is compound by 6 pairs of shoes
6B (36-1, 37-1, 38-1, 39-1, 40-1, 41-1)
ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK
Carbon fibre reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values.
Composition:30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK
Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength
EVA-sheets for the production of carpets. The main feature of sheets for the production of auto carpets is a special cellular honeycomb-like structure. As a result, all garbage, dust or water are collected at the bottom of the cells, and the surface of the carpet that is in contact with the shoes remains dry and clean. Auto carpets made of EvaLine sheets are quite rigid and may be easily removed from interior for cleaning. The material is odorless. Easily cut and edged.
Embossing: rhombus / honeycomb
Size: 2000x1200 mm
Color: red
Thickness: 9.5 mm -10 mm
Hardness: 40-45 shore
Density: 130 kg / m3
Made in Ukraine
ARKPEEK-GF30 PEEK-GF30 (natural/gris pardo) Esta formulación, reforzada con 30% de fibra de vidrio ofrece mayor rigidez y resistencia a la fluencia que PEEK natural , con una estabilidad dimensional muy superior. Este tipo es el más apropiado para aplicaciones estructurales, con elevadas solicitaciones mecánicas durante un periodo prolongado de tiempo, y a altas temperaturas. No se recomienda el uso de PEEK-GF30 en piezas de deslizamiento puesto que las fibras de vidrio resultan abrasivas para las superficies de contacto.
Densidad:1,53 g/cm3
quimica:buena resistencia química
tenacidad:tenacidad mejorada
retardante:retardante a la llama inherente
hidrólisis:resistente a la hidrólisis y al vapor
rigidez:elevada rigidez
creep:muy resistente al creep
radiación:resistente contra alta radiación
dimensional:elevada estabilidad dimensional
ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite
high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical strength and high dimensional stability. The long term service temperature range of PEEK Rod is from -30°C to 250°C and has a short term maximum service temperature of 310°C.
Composition:10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite
Temperature:High Temperature Resistance
Engineering:High Performance
Chemical:Chemical Resistance
Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength
characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance
Characteristics: produced from high-standard, ecological raw material called ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), hypoallergenic, easy to clean, elastic, doesn't absorb moisture, excellent thermal insulation properties, doesn't contain halogen.
Scope of application: children's rooms, kindergartens, fitness, gymnastics.
Material: EVA
Puzzle color: red
Size: 50*50 cm
Mat thickness: 10 mm
Density: 100 kg / m3
Hardness: 20-25 shore
Weight: 250g
Made in Ukraine
PEEK-materialet (med den kemiska benämningen polyetereterketon) tillverkas av Ensinger i form av standardmässiga halvfabrikat för vidare bearbetning. Eextruderas i plattor, stänger och rör av polymererna ARKPEEK. PEEK är en unik delkristallin, teknisk termoplast som även erbjuder utmärkt kemisk beständighet.
Delar som tillverkas av högtemperaturplasten PEEK-polymer kan användas i temperaturer på upp till 260 °C och har en smältpunkt på omkring 341 °C. PEEK-plast används ofta i miljöer där det förekommer varmt vatten eller ånga där materialet bibehåller sina fysiska egenskaper såsom böj- och draghållfasthet. Polyetereterketoner ses ofta som en av de dyra termoplasterna. Erfarna användare vet dock att PEEK-material har ett stort mervärde att erbjuda, eftersom de kan användas vid tillverkningen av delar som är lättare, starkare och tåligare i tuffa miljöer.
mekanisk:Tål hög termisk-mekanisk belastning
seg:Mycket seg
friktionskoefficient:Låg friktionskoefficient
kemikalieresistens:Utmärkt kemikalieresistens
elektriskt:Elektriskt isolerande
hydrolysbeständig:Hydrolysbeständig, även i överhettad ånga
gammastrålning:Hög resistens mot gammastrålning
Manufacturing Process
CNC Machining & Injection Molding
PEEK performance
Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) is a high-performance, engineering thermoplastic characterized by an unusual combination of properties. These properties range from high temperature performance to mechanical strength and excellent chemical resistance.
Material Grade
ARKPEEK-1000: 100%PEEK
Produced from virgin polyetheretherketone resin and offers the highest toughness and impact resistance of all types.
ARKPEEK-CF30: 30% Carbon Fiber + 70% PEEK
Carbon fiber reinforcement lends the material a high level of rigidity and creep strength, high mechanical strength and heat conductivity values.
ARKPEEK-GF30: 30% glass fiber + 70% PEEK
Glass filled PEEK exhibits increased mechanical strength and high rigidity.
ARKPEEK-MOD: 10% Carbon Fiber + 10% PTFE +10% Graphite
high performance engineering plastic with product characteristics including excellent sliding and abrasion & wear resistance, high mechanical.
Composition:Pure PEEK/PEEK CF30/PEEK GF30/PEEK MOD
Temperature:High Temperature Resistance
Engineering:High Performance
Chemical:Chemical Resistance
Mechanical:High Mechanical Strength
characteristics:Sliding, Abrasion & Wear Resistance
Size:Standard & Customized
ARKPEEK medikal sınıf materyaller (PEEK) 100 °C üzerindeki yüksek sıcaklıklarda büyük ölçüde korunan olağanüstü bir mekanik özellik profiline sahip yüksek performanslı materyallerdir. PEEK medikal teknoloji materyalleri normal sterilizasyon yöntemlerine mükemmel direnç gösterir. Son derece iyi bir kimyasal dirençle birleştiğinde PEEKCHINA'in PEEK medikal teknoloji materyalleri, medikal uygulamalar için en yüksek güvenlik derecesini sunar.
PEEK medikal teknoloji materyalleri medikal teknoloji içinde kullanılan materyallerin gereksinimlerine uyacak biçimde özel olarak geliştirilmiştir. Uygulama alanları son derece geniştir ve eklem rekonstrüksiyonu ve travmatoloji segmentleriyle ortopedi piyasasından cerrahi aletlere, dişçilik piyasasına ve daha fazlasına kadar uzanır.
kimyasal:Son derece iyi kimyasal direnç
Sterilizasyona:Sterilizasyona karşı son derece iyi direnç
radyasyon:İyi radyasyon direnci
çatlaması:Yüksek stres çatlaması direnci
stabilite:Yüksek boyutsal stabilite
Characteristics: produced from high-standard, ecological raw material called ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), hypoallergenic, easy to clean, elastic, doesn't absorb moisture, excellent thermal insulation properties, doesn't contain halogen.
Scope of application: children's rooms, kindergartens, fitness, gymnastics.
Material: EVA
Puzzle color: brown
Size: 50*50 cm
Mat thickness: 10 mm
Density: 100 kg / m3
Hardness: 20-25 shore
Weight: 250g
Made in Ukraine
EVA boots Jose Amorales will definitely appeal to boys and girls with their design.
The shoes are lightweight and durable. The outsole is well cushioned and the ribbed pattern prevents slipping.
In these boots, the child's feet will not freeze, as the EVA material from which they are made perfectly retains heat. They are comfortable down to -5 degrees below zero without additional inserts. Since the boots are waterproof, the feet will be dry.
Therefore, with shoes of Jose Amorales you can not deprive children of the pleasure of running through the puddles as much as they wish!
SKU: 117060
Upper material: EVA FOAM.
Internal material: EVA FOAM.
Insole: EVA FOAM.
Each package is compound by 8 pairs of shoes.
Sizes: 22-2, 24-2, 26-2,28-2
EVA-sheets for the production of carpets. The main feature of sheets for the production of auto carpets is a special cellular honeycomb-like structure. As a result, all garbage, dust or water are collected at the bottom of the cells, and the surface of the carpet that is in contact with the shoes remains dry and clean. Auto carpets made of EvaLine sheets are quite rigid and may be easily removed from interior for cleaning. The material is odorless. Easily cut and edged.
Embossing: rhombus / honeycomb
Size: 2000x1200 mm
Color: black
Thickness: 9.5 mm -10 mm
Hardness: 40-45 shore
Density: 130 kg / m3
Made in Ukraine
CreatBot Stampa PEEK con altissime prestazioni e con un sistema termico avanzato. Questa stampante 3D FFF ad alta temperatura può essere utilizzata per la produzione additiva e puoi stampare tutti i materiali fino a una temperatura di 420 ° C.
Craftbot è la prima stampante che offre un ugello ad alta temperatura (da 420 ° C) per il mercato delle stampanti 3D. Questo tipo di ugello consente di stampare con una varietà di filamenti. Anche l’altezza dell’ugello può essere microregolata. (Supporto predefinito 260 ° C per 420 ° C)
Il sistema di alimentazione dell’estrusore e il binario di guida, supportano la stampa ad alta velocità. La sua precisione di stampa può raggiungere un massimo di 0,04 mm e consente di estrudere il filamento in modo stabile e senza blocchi.
PEEK:Ideale per stampare facilmente PEEK
microregolata:Altezza ugello microregolata
Temperatura:Temperatura massima di stampa 420 ° C
PEEK on suure jõudlusega insener-termoplast, mis pakub PPS-ile sarnast keemilist ja veekindlust, kuid võib töötada kõrgematel temperatuuridel. PEEK-i saab kasutada pidevalt kuni 480 °F (250 °C) ja kuumas vees või aurus ilma füüsiliste omaduste püsiva kadumiseta. Vaenulikes keskkondades on PEEK ülitugev alternatiiv fluoropolümeeridele. PEEK-il on V-0 süttivusaste ning selle suitsu ja mürgiste gaaside eraldumine leegiga kokkupuutel on väga madal.
Pidev temperatuur:kraad 260
Mehaaniline ilma löögita:240
Mehaaniline löögiga:180
Sulamistemperatuur:Sulamistemperatuur ISO 3146 kraadi 343
üleminek:Klaasi üleminek (Tg) ISO 3146 kraadi 143
PEEK (chemische Bezeichnung Polyetheretherketon) wird von PEEKCHINA als standardmäßige Halbzeuge für die Zerspanung hergestellt und mit PEEK in Form von Platten, Rundstäben und Hohlstäben extrudiert. PEEK ist ein einzigartiger, teilkristalliner, technischer Thermoplast, der eine hervorragende chemische Beständigkeit bietet.
Aus dem Hochtemperatur Werkstoff PEEK hergestellte Bauteile können bei hohen Temperaturen von bis zu 260 °C zum Einsatz kommen und schmelzen bei ca. 341 °C. PEEK Kunststoffe kommen häufig in Umgebungen mit heißem Wasser oder Dampf zum Einsatz und behalten dort ihre physischen Eigenschaften wie Biegefestigkeit und Zugfestigkeit. Polyetheretherketon wird häufig lediglich als hochpreisiger technischer Thermoplast betrachtet. Erfahrene Anwender wissen jedoch den Mehrwert zu schätzen, den PEEK Werkstoffe bieten: nämlich die Möglichkeit, Bauteile herzustellen, die leichter und belastbarer sind und anspruchsvollen Einsatzbedingungen länger widerstehen können.
Temperaturbeständigkeit:Sehr hohe Temperaturbeständigkeit
Wärmeausdehnung:Geringe Wärmeausdehnung und Feuchtigkeitsaufnahme
Bearbeitbarkeit:Sehr gute Bearbeitbarkeit und Dimensionsstabilität
Stylish women's boots with cuffs TM "Jose Amorales" are designed for rainy weather and slush.
The EVA material from which they are made is waterproof and has excellent thermal insulation properties, which allows you to wear boots down to -5 ° C frost without additional inserts.
Drawstring fabric cuffs keep you warm and protect your feet from moisture and dirt getting inside the boot.
The shoes are equipped with removable insoles made of soft EVA sheet, which add softness and comfort to wear.
SKU: 119305
Upper material: EVA FOAM
Each package is compound by 6 pairs of shoes
6B (36-1, 37-1, 38-1, 39-1, 40-1, 41-1)
ARKPEEK-CF30 PEEK-CA30 (negro)
Este tipo, reforzado con 30% de fibra de carbono, combina mayor dureza mejores propiedades mecánicas que las de PEEK-GF30, con coeficiente de desgaste óptimo. Además, las fibras de carbono proporcionan una conductividad térmica 3,5 veces superior que la de PEEK virgen, disipando el calor producido por el rozamiento de una forma mucho más rápida y eficaz.
quimica:buena resistencia química
tenacidad:tenacidad mejorada
retardante:retardante a la llama inherente
hidrólisis:resistente a la hidrólisis y al vapor
rigidez:elevada rigidez
creep:muy resistente al creep
radiación:resistente contra alta radiación
dimensional:elevada estabilidad dimensional
DENSIDAD:1,38 g/cm3
PEEK-materialet (med den kemiska benämningen polyetereterketon) tillverkas av Ensinger i form av standardmässiga halvfabrikat för vidare bearbetning. Eextruderas i plattor, stänger och rör av polymererna ARKPEEK. PEEK är en unik delkristallin, teknisk termoplast som även erbjuder utmärkt kemisk beständighet.
Delar som tillverkas av högtemperaturplasten PEEK-polymer kan användas i temperaturer på upp till 260 °C och har en smältpunkt på omkring 341 °C. PEEK-plast används ofta i miljöer där det förekommer varmt vatten eller ånga där materialet bibehåller sina fysiska egenskaper såsom böj- och draghållfasthet. Polyetereterketoner ses ofta som en av de dyra termoplasterna. Erfarna användare vet dock att PEEK-material har ett stort mervärde att erbjuda, eftersom de kan användas vid tillverkningen av delar som är lättare, starkare och tåligare i tuffa miljöer.
mekanisk:Tål hög termisk-mekanisk belastning
seg:Mycket seg
friktionskoefficient:Låg friktionskoefficient
kemikalieresistens:Utmärkt kemikalieresistens
elektriskt:Elektriskt isolerande
hydrolysbeständig:Hydrolysbeständig, även i överhettad ånga
gammastrålning:Hög resistens mot gammastrålning
Apresentamos os nossos Rolamentos de Manga de PEEK, a solução definitiva para uma operação confiável e eficiente. Fabricados a partir de material polimérico PEEK de alta qualidade, estes rolamentos oferecem uma resistência excepcional a produtos químicos, abrasão e temperaturas extremas. A natureza autolubrificante do PEEK elimina a necessidade de lubrificação externa, reduzindo os custos de manutenção e o tempo de inatividade. Com a sua superior resistência ao desgaste e longevidade, os nossos Rolamentos de Manga de PEEK de polímero fornecem uma solução confiável e econômica para diversas indústrias, garantindo um desempenho suave e livre de problemas, mesmo nos ambientes mais exigentes.
Stylish women's boots with cuffs TM "Jose Amorales" are designed for rainy weather and slush.
The EVA material from which they are made is waterproof and has excellent thermal insulation properties, which allows you to wear boots down to -5 ° C frost without additional inserts.
Drawstring fabric cuffs keep you warm and protect your feet from moisture and dirt getting inside the boot.
The shoes are equipped with removable insoles made of soft EVA sheet, which add softness and comfort to wear.
SKU: 119315
Upper material: EVA FOAM
Each package is compound by 6 pairs of shoes
6B (36-1, 37-1, 38-1, 39-1, 40-1, 41-1)
PEEK Polietereketon olağan dışı karakteristiklere sahip, yüksek ısıya dayanıklı ileri düzey yüksek performans plastiklerindendir. Yarı kristallerin aromatik polymerlerin sertliği yüksek ısılarda dahi korunur. Buna ek olarak PEEK Polietereketon açok iyi darbe dayanımı, yüksek mekanik yorgunluk dayanımı, çok az deformasyon tendensi, çok iyi kayganlık ve aşınma dayanımına sahiptir. Olağan dışı karakteristik özelliklerine sahip, zorlu ve talepkar kullanım alanlarında kullanılır.
Çalışma Sıcaklıkları:+250°C ile -40°C arası
mekanik:Yüksek mekanik dayanım özellikleri
sıcaklık:Yüksek sıcaklık dayanımı
kimyasal:İyi kimyasal dayanım
Hidrolize:Hidrolize dayanım
Boyutsal:Boyutsal stabilite
alev:Düşük alev alma ve düşük duman salınımı
elektriksel:İyi elektriksel özellikler
Radyasyon:Radyasyon dayanımı